Liturgical Ministries
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The goal of the Liturgy Program is to deepen our awareness of God’s love for every Sacred Heart parishioner. This calls for a sense of community and involvement. We are all called upon to participate and contribute to liturgical celebration according to our ministries.
Altar Care Guild
The Altar Care Guild is responsible for setting up the altar, credence table, offertory table, etc. for Mass, care of votive lights, tabernacle and altar candles, care of altar linens, polishing and cleaning candleholders, ciboria, etc.
Contact: Stacey Shurtliff 703-330-4433
Arts & Environment
This ministry is responsible for decorating the church for the various liturgical seasons.
Contact: Kelly Thomas 703-405-2222
Altar Servers
Any boy or girl, grade 4 and older, is encouraged to become an altar server and assist the priest at Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
Contact: Deacon Tim Slayter 703-590-0030
Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the priest and deacon in distributing the Eucharist at Mass. They also bring the Eucharist to those who are sick and/or homebound. Those interested in becoming Eucharistic Ministers need to participate in a diocesan training session and then be mandated by the Bishop for a period of 5 years. The training sessions are held every spring.
Contact: 703-590-0030
Gift Bearers
Families are encouraged to participate at Mass by bringing up the gifts during the offertory procession. Let the ushers know if you and your family would like to bring up the gifts.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass. They also read the General Intercessions and any announcements that may be necessary.
Contact: Joe Marshall 703-791-4119
Ushers provide a welcoming face to all those who come to Mass. They assist people in finding a seat and take up the collection during the offertory. We are always in need of new ushers but especially for Sunday masses.
Contact: Sharon (Mack) Allen