Prayer Shawl

The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes and gives Prayer Shawls to the spiritually lost and those who are in need of God’s comfort and guidance.  For the sick who suffer and are filled with fear to have encouragement and strengthen their trust in Jesus our great Physician.  To comfort and console the bereaved and give those who struggle with sorrow and sadness.  For those that are house or institution bound, that they are not forgotten.  This ministry is dedicated to all members of our parish and the outreach community.   
Sacred Heart is proud to have this ministry to serve with the Outreach Program.  We will make and give out Prayer Shawls to people who are in need of comfort for whatever the reason. We make shawls and talk and pray for those who are in need.  Those of you who can knit or crochet, or even quilt, are encouraged to attend. Don’t have these skills? Our members are happy to teach anyone who would like to learn.

Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on Wednesdays at 10 am. Crochet and Knitting skills are not required, the ministry members will be happy to teach you!

Contact Information

If you need a shawl please call the office. If you want to volunteer please call Sue Koloszar, 703-590-8428.