Special Religious Development

Special Religious Development (SPRED) is a program in which persons who are developmentally disabled come together to form a small faith community which fosters spiritual and personal growth by helping participants discover God’s action and presence in their lives.

Sacred Heart offers SPRED sessions for youth ages 6 – 21.  The group meets on the first and third Saturdays from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm approximately 12 times per year from September through April.

Registration Information

We are pleased to offer online registration for the 2024 - 2025 academic year.  Payment must be made by debit or credit card at the time of registration. Note: There is no out of parish fee for the SPRED program.

Register online here for 2024 - 2025 Faith Formation: SPRED at Sacred Heart.

For more information, contact Nicole Filipowski, Director of Faith Formation, online here or at 703-590-0256 or Brenda Cunningham, Faith Formation Administrative Assistant, online here or at 703-590-0256.